In February of 2016, I was shot 8 times at close range during a home invasion in Las Vegas. I spent 7 weeks in a coma and almost 2 years of rehab before being introduced to Dr. Kitay.

I had been seeing specialists and therapists multiple times a week to help me recover. The therapies weren’t helping and the drugs they were giving me for nerve pain did nothing.

Upon meeting Dr. Kitay and her explaining the Neural Organization Technique I was very skeptical but willing to give it a chance.

I’m very glad I did.

After the first couple of visits, the nerve pain had subsided almost completely. She then started working on the connective tissue to assist in repairing nerve damage. Nerves can take years to heal. I know Dr. Kitay has reduced the time I will endure for full recovery because of her expertise in administering the Neural Organization Technique.

In addition to accelerating my recovery, Dr. Kitay has eliminated my chronic back pain of which I’ve suffered for over 23 years.

I strongly recommend Dr. Kitay for any number of issues. She has been very successful working with folks with concussions and learning disabilities as well.

See additional testimonials on the Testimonials page.