Patient success stories.

Below are a few of the many testimonials to Dr. Kitay for providing relief when no other medical doctors could, when some had no hope for a better, healthier life, when the effects of a severe concussion are relieved or when a Down’s syndrome child gained control where he had none before and becomes more aware of himself, from a mother with a child with learning disabilities finally sees cognitive and behavioral improvement after years of frustration. There are many more stories from her patients over the years as she continues to use the Neural Organization Technique to help patients when all else has failed.

Dr. Kitay,

My son was treated with Neural Organizational Technique (NOT) after he suffered a concussion from repeated head trauma during a football game. We followed the doctor’s evaluation, which included rest and “wait and see” for his recovery. Within a week, his sleep was so disturbed and he had involuntary muscle twitching. He was dizzy upon standing and had a constant headache. He missed several days of school. On the days he did attend, he was not able to focus and was barely able to function normally.

After initial evaluation and treatment with NOT, his headache and dizziness completely disappeared and he has been recovering faster than I expected. My son has always had regular chiropractic care, but this injury did not improve without the NOT treatment. The NOT treatment has been a miracle that has brought him back to full functioning at an incredible speed.

For anyone who has suffered any kind of trauma or accident, there is hope for recovery through Neural Organization Technique treatments. These treatments have helped my son heal and recover completely. I am very grateful that my son has fully recovered from this injury.




To: Dr. Annalee Kitay

I have been seen by Dr.Kitay for some time. I did not see well or hear well, but I started to see Dr.Kitay and she did some pressures in some places on my body and it helped and relieved. My tongue started to work better, also I started to see better and hear better. She is good in helping children with her point pressure in some places. She did some great work on my mouth to help me feel the tongue or to talk better. Also she helped me so I would look more normal like other children. I feel better in all parts of the body, I know where they are after the visit. I am more aware of my body parts and of my thinking, it approves after the visit. I like to see Dr.Kitay, I need to see her more often. Maybe once every 3 months.

Gregory B – 5 years old (Diagnosis: Down’s syndrome)


Dr. Kitay,

I had a car accident 3 years ago, I was at a traffic light and a car hit me from behind going about 45 miles an hour all I remember is hitting my head on my hand that was on the steering wheel and the it snapped back,

after getting an MRI it showed I had a concussion, I went home and the next day I went to see Dr Annalee Kitay for treatment for my concussion,

Before her treatment I was experiencing severe headache, my though process was very slow, I could talk to someone but not remember their name right away, very tired and nauseous

She began to treat me and after the 3d treatment I could feel my headache leaving I was no longer nauseous, and I had more energy

After the 5th treatment my fatigue was much improved and about the 6 or 7th treatment my memory was back to normal

Wow, never have I had any symptoms since

Her treatments were amazing and fast and the most important: Lasting,



Dear Dr. Kitay,

I wanted to thank you for the successful completion of the treatments for my concussion. I suffered for 5 weeks with debilitating dizziness, and about 24 hours after my first treatment with you, I started to experience clarity again slowly. After my 2nd and 3rd treatment with you, my dizziness was nearly gone and only affecting me during certain movements. After the 5th and final treatment, I felt like I was completely clear of my symptoms from my concussion.

I could not imagine if I didn’t get treated by you and continued to have those symptoms, as I couldn’t safely drive and I couldn’t even concentrate. Thank you so much for your thorough treatments and taking your time in helping me heal. The treatments were very simple and easy to get through, and I’m still amazed.

I’m looking forward to working with you again in the future if need be for any other kind of health issues that I need to take care of. I am confident that you will be able to help me keep my health in check in many other ways.

Best Regards,

Anna I.

Anna I.

I was referred to Dr. Kitay by a trusted friend after being rear ended by a hit and run drunk driver, who collided with my vehicle TWO times . I initially presented with concussive symptoms; constant headache, tinnitus, nausea, blurred vision, jaw pain, cognitive impairment and dizziness. I was quite surprised, and pleased, to find that after 2 to 3 visits I recognize significant improvement, and by my fifth visit I could not detect any signs of the concussive event. I’m elated to have not listen to the MD’s that claimed I would just have to ‘wait it out’ and instead discover dr. Kitay’s protocol.



It was a pleasure meeting you at the Florida Chiropractic Society convention this past weekend (August 12-14). I watched you perform on other Chiropractors at the seminar and I decided to find out more about what N.O.T technique was all about. Not only did you answer all of my questions and explain protocol regarding the technique, I gave you permission to actually assist my body to heal itself by treating my low back pain due to my coccyx being out of position from an injury I received when going down a slide at a water park with my kids. At first I was a little skeptical, but after the treatment my pain reduced more than 50%. This was amazing to me since I have tried relieving my pain with other forms of care. After my second treatment with you the next day, I only felt a little sore. I actually felt my coccyx move back into position and my pain has reduced TREMENDOUSLY!! I am very grateful that I met you over the weekend seminar and you were able to assist my body in healing itself!! Thank you again.


Dr. Steven C, Choen, D.C., D.A.A.M.L.P

Dr. Steven C, Choen, D.C., D.A.A.M.L.P

Dear Dr. Kitay:

My son, Skylor, was diagnosed with Dyslexia at the age of 5 and since then he has been struggling with reading, spelling, math, etc., not to mention his feelings of inadequacy and the damage it had done to his self esteem. We have tried everything from tutoring, changing schools, a summer program at the Lewis School in Princeton and Ritalin. Although the Lewis School was helpful, it was only for one summer and affording a full school year there was out of range financially for me. The Lewis School offers no scholarships or programs for those who cannot afford that kind of tuition so full time there was out of the question for Skylor. In any event, he continued struggling in school and at home and things became increasingly frustrating for all of us. One day my husband left a newspaper article on my chair at home about the work that you are doing for people with dyslexia so I decided to give you a call and make an appointment to see you. I wasn’t sure what to expect but at this point I would try anything to help Skylor. From the first appointment we both noticed a significant difference in his attention span, reading, spelling, and math. I also noticed a change in his whole demeanor and how he carried himself. I was pretty amazed given all we had gone through to this point and nothing had seemed to work. He is now a senior in high school and I wish I had known about your work sooner but nonetheless I am grateful to have found you and give Skylor this opportunity. He had only three visits and is done and doing so much better than expected. He is up two grades in spelling, his reading has greatly improved and he just seems like a new person. His self esteem had improved and he seems much happier and confident these days.

I just wanted to thank you for helping Sky and giving him the opportunity to see what it feels like to not have to struggle so much in life and to start to live life more normally. It was great meeting with you, you made us both feel at ease from the moment we met you. I just want to let anyone know who has or knows someone struggling with learning difficulties to at least try this technique because it has done wonders for my son and I would highly recommend giving it a try. It seems to be the only thing that has worked for my son and both Skylor and I thank Dr. Kitay for this gift.

With much appreciation,



Dear Dr. Kitay,

I would like to share our experience with a concussion in hope that it would be of great benefit for others to read:

My daughter went on a group ski weekend with her friends. There was a ton of ice and the conditions were icy – not good for skiing. Although Jen was wearing a helmet, she slipped on the ice and fell backward, hitting the back of her head, then whipping forward and landing face down on the ice. There was no way to prevent a concussion with such a serious wipeout. She had the immediate symptoms of being dazed and feeling out of it. Her head and neck hurt. The sounds around her were too loud, she was sensitive to light. She felt sick to her stomach and was very tired but couldn’t rest. She went to a room and texted me. I told her to get a buddy and have them watch her. I was very worried. The chaperone gave her some Tylenol. Two days later she returned home from the accident. She looked okay but tired and had a headache. These symptoms lasted for 8 weeks. School was getting to be a real problem. She was not able to concentrate. It was very hard to read and comprehend. Teachers were just making noise, nothing was sticking. The traditional medical community said to have her rest. No activity, no texting, no TV, no driving, no to everything, just rest. She couldn’t even rest peacefully. She would wake up every 3 or 4 hours. Never a full night’s sleep.

We called our friend in Florida whose daughter had also sustained a concussion on the icy slope. She had taken her daughter to Dr. Kitay. They had had immediate results with similar symptoms to Jen’s that were gone. I thought it was worth a spring break vacation to see Dr. Kitay and the Atlantic Ocean. Both were amazing.

After seeing the doctor one time for the Neural Organization Technique, Jen’s demeanor was 90 times better! Seriously, worth the airfare. Her symptoms were cut in half. There were two more treatments and she was symptom free. A few good nights of full sleep and she and I were back to having conversations and relief that this concussion was gone and behind us.

We are very grateful to our friend who was willing to share her experience with us and to tell us about Dr. Kitay and Neural Organization Technique. Dr. Kitay is professional, intuitive, kind, and caring. She is a healer. Thank you again and again.



Dear Dr.Kitay,

Words cannot express how grateful I am that I found you. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 8 years ago and have suffered ever since. I was about to give up after so many tries to get well, but then I called you. I was extremely skeptical and you were extremely patient. I felt I could trust you and visited you shortly after our conversation. What  can I say, you performed a miracle. You stopped the bleeding and gave me my life back. No M.D or alternative medical professional has been able to do that or even tried, for that matter. They only offered temporary relief, drugs or surgery. I am a different person because of you and your determination to get me well. It took us many visits and many layers of treatment, but you always had a plan and you never gave up. You just kept saying, don’t worry, we will get there..and we did!! You made my last trip overseas enjoyable where as before, I couldn’t even travel. I know I am not “perfect” yet, and I must remain diligent with my diet and self care. But truly, I no longer worry about dying young or worse, living with an unbearable illness for the rest of my life. I recommend everyone I know with health issues to see you. You are brave, dedicated and you really care. For that, I am forever grateful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Donna of Miramar,Fl


Dear Dr. Kitay:

Were it not for your treatment, I believe I would still be in pain and unable to return to work having been out on disability for five months. As you know, I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in the neck which caused me to suffer unbearable pain in my left shoulder, arm and hand. At the time of diagnosis, I was unable to move my arm and hand.

This all started in April of this year. I saw four doctors and was treated with injections of cortisone, had acupuncture and did at home traction. I also saw a Chiropractor and had 37 adjustments. None of these treatments was successful in improving my condition.

Thank God I found you. I experienced relief after the 1st treatment. After the next four treatments, almost all of the pain was gone and my fingers at this moment feel almost normal. It seems that my extensive allergies have also been helped since a lot of the other joint pain that I had has also subsided. .

Thank you for all your kindness and patience.




I’m a 17 year old and I’ve been sick since I was 3 In and out of hospitals since I was in 4th
grade. In 9th grade, I was kicked out of school for missing too many days. from booing sick. , I’ve been to all kinds of doctors and specialists who took their guess on what was wrong with me and wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic that just made me sicker. Since I’ve been seeing Dr.
Kitay, I haven’t had a day that I didn’t feel like getting out of bed and I’ve had so much more energy, a better, happier disposition and now it actually looks like I’m going to be able to go back to school and have a normal life. I firmly believe that Dr. Kltay can fix just about anything and she will go above and beyond to help you with whatever you need.




Dear Dr. Kitay:

I am writing this letter to thank you for all your help in eliminating the neck and back pain I had been experiencing due to an injury. This pain occurred intermittently from November to March two years later. I had been to another chiropractor previously for the pain, and while I had experienced temporary relief as a result of these visits I never felt cured of the pain. As a professional working with preschoolers with special needs, work became excruciatingly difficult when I experienced a neck or back spasm.

I came to you in March of this year, complaining of back pain when sitting up. Through the Neuro Organizational Techniques you use, you were able to eliminate this pain in two short visits. I had also been diagnosed with slight scoliosis about 15 years ago. You were also able to correct my posture! Prior to visiting you one of my shoulders was lower than the other and my posture was very poor because sitting up straight caused me back discomfort. After the two visits, I stood and continue to stand with very straight back and head alignment. In fact, today standing and sitting are comfortable to me only when my posture is straight.

Although my belief is that not every technique works for everyone I know that the techniques you used worked for me. If someone in physical pain similar to mine spoke with me about it I would refer that person to you without reservation. Thank you so much for all that you do for your patients.

Sincerely yours,



Dear Dr. Kitay

This has been a long time coming but I am finally sending you a letter regarding your treatment of myself and my family. I don’t really know where to begin so I will start with when I first consulted you almost ten years ago.

I had been injured riding horses and was in great discomfort from previous injuries in my life. I had seen a number of chiropractors and orthopedic doctors, none of whom had been able to provide lasting relief. I saw you once a week for four weeks and had been completely pain-free. This was after chiropractic treatment of three times a week for over two years.

I brought my husband to see you for a series of accidents and their ensuing consequences, including breaking his back as a teenager, tearing his rotator cuff and stress. He swears that you made him feel 100% better. We see you only when we have managed to damage ourselves.

Last, and most important, we brought you our daughter, Susan Elizabeth. She had been diagnosed with microcephaly at birth with no expectation of survival. After being treated by a leading cranial osteopath with spectacular results, we brought her to you for help in her neurological treatment. She has had her first three treatments with you and the changes we see are wondrous.

Her motor control has improved and she is beginning to use her right hand (it was the right side that was most injured). Her eyes are now focusing and tracking much better than before. She has better control of her head and limbs, the tremor that characterized much of her movement is almost completely gone. She is able to sit up with less support. The major improvement has been her attitude. She is a much happier little girl, smiling much more and laughing. She is taking a greater interest in her surroundings and is more alert. Her sleep patterns have improved in that she doesn’t wake up crying from pain or fear.

She was seen by the cranial osteopath who pronounced herself impressed by the results. Your work in integrating her neurological system and her brain was obvious immediately. I have given her your name and number because she is very interested in your work.

I have recommended you to so very many people knowing that you would be able to help them yourself or steer them in the right direction. My husband and I have great respect for you and are so very grateful for all that you are doing for our baby. We wish you every success in life.

Pamela & John

Pamela & John

About 10 years ago, I was a patient at the Robert Atkins Clinic in New York City. They prescribed chiropractic treatment for me and recommended that I see Dr. Annalee Kitay, whose office is in West Orange, NJ. That was the beginning of a long and positive relationship with a doctor that I can trust and admire. (Prior to that time, I’d had enough bad experiences with AMA doctors to cause me to avoid them unless and until I was desperate.)

During my first visit with Dr. Kitay, in addition to chiropractic, she used what was then a brand new treatment, Neural Organization Technique. I was amazed when I walked out of her office because, not only did I feel energized, lighter, and stronger, my eyesight was sharper and my hearing was clearer. As I learned later, feeling energized was the key, for the Neural Organization Technique opens blockages through the nervous system allowing energy to flow naturally and thereby helping the body to heal itself and/or prevent disease.

A few years later, Dr. Kitay treated me for a herniated disc in the low back, which was accompanied by severe pain and the inability to bend over or sit down. She had me completely restored within one week (3 treatments) and the problem has never recurred after seven years. (I try to go in for a maintenance “tune-up” about once a year or so.)

Then two years ago, I had occasion to experience more of Dr. Kitay’s fantastic skills of diagnosis through the use of kinesiology, and her knowledge of enzyme therapy for safe remedies without drugs. I was suffering from severe diarrhea and called her, hoping to discuss the problem. She brought me right in, tested me, and determined I had contracted an intestinal parasite infection. The enzyme program she prescribed was easy to follow and cleared up the problem with all natural substances and no poisons or toxic drugs.

At the end of that episode, her alertness detected that there was another hidden problem within my system. Basically, although I should have felt better, I was a nervous wreck. After some careful testing, she determined that I had an excessive amount of mercury in my body. (As I later learned, mercury poisoning is a devastating disease, occurring much more frequently now than ever before. Some of the latest research is suspecting fluoride added to public water systems as the agent facilitating the leaching of mercury from tooth fillings into the cells of the body, particularly into the brain.) Again, she recommended some very safe and benign chelation substances, which over a period of approximately 6 weeks, cleared my body of mercury. Then, after having all mercury fillings removed to prevent further leaching, 2 more treatments combined with a meditation program helped reverse the damage mercury caused to my short-term memory and nervous system. I am 58 years old. It would have been so easy to just blame the problems on “old age” and hand out a tranquilizer. I will always be grateful to Dr. Kitay for identifying this hidden destroyer, providing a safe, quick, and effective treatment, and returning me to a normal, enjoyable, active life.



Dear Dr. Kitay:

It is always a pleasure to see you, particularly when I am in significant pain and discomfort –which is always less or gone before I leave your office!

As an essentially healthy person, I came to you with an acute problem in my lower back. You were recommended by friends, so I made the rather long trip from Sussex County to your office in West Orange rather than going to any of the more conventional practitioners of chiropractic locally.

I was immediately fascinated by the treatment which was unlike any I had had before. There was very little focus on strenuous chiropractic adjustments, and you worked on me for 45 minutes. After the treatment, I was expecting the usual prescription for return visits: 3 times/week for a month, once a week for several more months, and then monthly thereafter for maintenance. I was pleasantly surprised when you told me that 2-3 more visits might be needed to correct the problem I was having. After the 2nd visit, you told me unless something else happened, I didn’t need to return as long as I felt fine.

I like your philosophy which essentially reserves treatments for specific problems rather than making them essential parts of ongoing healthy living.

Since that first visit, I have seen you perhaps 5 or 6 times for various complaints. Each time there has been considerable immediate improvement, and only on a couple of occasions has the same complaint needed more than a single visit.

I frequently recommend your services to friends and am grateful that you acquired the knowledge to treat your clients so effectively. Stay well and happy. I look forward to many more years of infrequent professional visits!


K.Marshall M

K. Marshall M.